Trauma: My focus and area of expertise is in treating Trauma.  The hallmarks of trauma are intrusive memories, flashbacks, overwhelming feelings and general anxiety. With Trauma and PTSD the event is not stored as something in past, but rather when one is triggered, it seems real or overwhelming. For some individuals the event is known, for others the memory of the event is repressed but the avoidant behavior, and fear around certain situations keep showing up and keep us from living life or may be impacting one’s current relationships.

Trauma treatment is not about forgetting the past but rather creating a new relationship and giving our minds opportunity to put a time stamp on it. The event can be over and no longer hurt us and in fact may be something that at some point you can draw compassion and wisdom.

Addiction- I have worked with addiction both inpatient and outpatient for many years.  I see addiction as the symptom of something bigger. The desire to numb or escape is often covering up deeper issues  I work with addiction to substances, food, work, exercise, sex, and love that is often secondary to trauma

Co-Occurring disorders- Coping mechanisms to address pain and discomfort are often ill defined and do not fit into a tidy box. Trauma and addiction, addiction and depression, trauma and eating disorders, depression and anxiety are all examples of conditions that need to be addressed simultaneously. These co-occurring disorders are linked, or coupled, and are best treated together as a whole

Healthy Masculinity- Men often struggle with their identity. What does it mean to be a man? What messages does society portray about men? Within one’s family, what messages does one learn about emotional expression? I have involved in men’s work both as a facilitator and participant for over 15 years.  Balancing the triad of parent, father, spouse, and self-expression can be chaotic and confusing and lead to acting out or shutting down. Learning how to be courageous, to express emotion in a healthy way, is a cornerstone to healthy masculinity.